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– NF (P)

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Product description
Key features
NF (P) is a two component, high solids epoxy putty. It cures to a hard and tough coat which is resistant to various solvents and chemicals. It has excellent bonding to  oncrete & steel etc. NF (P) is a traditional epoxy system to effectively treat cracks and quickly fill spalls or voids in concrete.


NF (P) can be used for following applications.

  • Bonding Concrete elements
  • Repairing damaged concrete
  • Bonding steel to concrete
  • Repairing vertical honeycombed concrete in ridge abutments or overhead repairs on bridge soffits


  • 3 Kg Set (A+B)



1 -1.25 m2 / Kg

@ 1.5mm

*Coverage data are for general guidance. Actual consumption depend upon substrate, application techniques & wastages etc.

Mixing & Application:

The total contents of component (B) are added to the total contents of components (A). Both components are mixed thoroughly, preferably with a slowly rotating drill. Mix until the putty is homogenous making sure the material from the bottom and walls of the container is included.
NF (P) can be applied by a trowel, knife or stiff brush up to 30mm thickness. Start the application immediately after mixing. The material should be used within 45 minutes.

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